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BERT最近太火,蹭个热点,整理一下相关的资源,包括Paper, 代码和文章解读。


1) BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

一切始于10月Google祭出的这篇Paper, 瞬间引爆整个AI圈包括自媒体圈: https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.04805

2) Github: https://github.com/google-research/bert


3) Google AI Blog: Open Sourcing BERT: State-of-the-Art Pre-training for Natural Language Processing

1) 张俊林博士的解读, 知乎专栏:从Word Embedding到Bert模型—自然语言处理中的预训练技术发展史


2) 知乎: 如何评价 BERT 模型?

3) 【NLP】Google BERT详解

4) [NLP自然语言处理]谷歌BERT模型深度解析

5) BERT Explained: State of the art language model for NLP

6) BERT介绍

7) 论文解读:BERT模型及fine-tuning

8) NLP突破性成果 BERT 模型详细解读

9) 干货 | BERT fine-tune 终极实践教程: 奇点智能BERT实战教程,在AI Challenger 2018阅读理解任务中训练一个79+的模型。

10) 【BERT详解】《Dissecting BERT》by Miguel Romero Calvo
Dissecting BERT Part 1: The Encoder
Understanding BERT Part 2: BERT Specifics
Dissecting BERT Appendix: The Decoder


12)AI赋能法律 | NLP最强之谷歌BERT模型在智能司法领域的实践浅谈


1) pytorch-pretrained-BERT: https://github.com/huggingface/pytorch-pretrained-BERT
Google官方推荐的PyTorch BERB版本实现,可加载Google预训练的模型:PyTorch version of Google AI's BERT model with script to load Google's pre-trained models

2) BERT-pytorch: https://github.com/codertimo/BERT-pytorch
另一个Pytorch版本实现:Google AI 2018 BERT pytorch implementation

3) BERT-tensorflow: https://github.com/guotong1988/BERT-tensorflow
Tensorflow版本:BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

4) bert-chainer: https://github.com/soskek/bert-chainer
Chanier版本: Chainer implementation of "BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding"

5) bert-as-service: https://github.com/hanxiao/bert-as-service
将不同长度的句子用BERT预训练模型编码,映射到一个固定长度的向量上:Mapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using pretrained BERT model

6) bert_language_understanding: https://github.com/brightmart/bert_language_understanding
BERT实战:Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding: pre-train TextCNN

7) sentiment_analysis_fine_grain: https://github.com/brightmart/sentiment_analysis_fine_grain
BERT实战,多标签文本分类,在 AI Challenger 2018 细粒度情感分析任务上的尝试:Multi-label Classification with BERT; Fine Grained Sentiment Analysis from AI challenger

8) BERT-NER: https://github.com/kyzhouhzau/BERT-NER
BERT实战,命名实体识别: Use google BERT to do CoNLL-2003 NER !

9) BERT-keras: https://github.com/Separius/BERT-keras
Keras版: Keras implementation of BERT with pre-trained weights

10) tbert: https://github.com/innodatalabs/tbert
PyTorch port of BERT ML model

11) BERT-Classification-Tutorial: https://github.com/Socialbird-AILab/BERT-Classification-Tutorial

12) BERT-BiLSMT-CRF-NER: https://github.com/macanv/BERT-BiLSMT-CRF-NER
Tensorflow solution of NER task Using BiLSTM-CRF model with Google BERT Fine-tuning

13) bert-Chinese-classification-task

14) bert-chinese-nerhttps://github.com/ProHiryu/bert-chinese-ner

Tensorflow solution of NER task Using BiLSTM-CRF model with Google BERT Fine-tuning

16) bert-sequence-tagging: https://github.com/zhpmatrix/bert-sequence-tagging



本文链接地址:BERT相关论文、文章和代码资源汇总 http://www.52nlp.cn/?p=10870